A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Version: 01/26/2023

Engine: godot 3.5.1

genre: humorous shooter with elements of other genres

short humoristic shooter

how play: unpack from zip archive  and start enterra_3d.exe



wasd, arrows - character control

Spacebar - shooting

Starting from version 01/16/2023, you can also shoot with the left mouse button.

If you hold down and do not release the shooting action, then the bullets will

take off in bursts.

Esc - exit the game

j, i, k, l, o, p - camera movement

move the mouse with the left button pressed - rotate the camera

starting from version 01/16/2023, the camera rotation is carried out with the

right mouse button, since the left one is now for an alternative action

shooting along with the space bar.

v - switching between free/attached camera mode

f - hide/show fps

u - show/hide options window

h - hide/show gui elements on the game screen (progress bars, icons, fps, etc.)

In the win/lose screen, you need to click the left mouse button to

restart the game.

Starting from version 01/16/2023

Enter - switch between full screen/window mode.

From version 01/17/2023

r - pause/play music.

z - enable/disable pause in the game.

From version 01/19/2023

0 (number 0) - restart the game scene with regeneration of all objects.

From version 01/24/2023

x - show/hide the text panel. If all interface elements are hidden,

(h key), the text pane cannot be displayed.

c - change language

enterra 2d version -


enterra_3d_win_linux.zip 92 MB

Install instructions

unpack from zip archive  and start enterra_3d.exe


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why use unity^?

this is godot.